TEACHING-EMPOWERING-MENTORING-BUILDING OPPORTUNITY Mission: to partner with individuals and communities in Western Kenya to support entrepreneurial activities, education and health through training programmes, scholarships, water and sanitation projects

Monday, September 7, 2009

Some good news and some not so good

Our Society registration is on track with bank accounts and structures set up. We should have our BC registration number very soon.
SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP: An annual donation of $100 or more will confer full membership with the right to vote at the AGM
An annual donation of $25-99 will confer the status of "Friend" and you will receive the newsletters and special announcements.
(NB If you are interested and have already contributed through the Cathedral this year, please let us know. We will be happy to list you as a 'member' or a 'friend'.)
It costs: $2500 to put in a well in a village
$ 500 to protect a spring in a community
$ 500 per year for 4 years to send a student to High School and approximately the same amount for some post-secondary programmes
$200 per session to conduct Virtues training in Conflict Resolution and Restorative Justice in schools and communities for up to 40 people
$200 for a woman to receive microloans ranging from $15 to $150
$500 to provide an eyetest & glasses for 100 people
This does not include the many people we help with personal and family difficulties throughout the year.
The account of last year's work can be found at http://www.patandrodkenya.blogspot.com/.
The not so good news is that Rotary International has exhausted the grant money before our submission could be assessed. A meeting tomorrow will hopefully give us an idea of the possibility of an alternative funding. At that point we will start to trim the project destined for the community of Emmaloba which includes help for the school, adult literacy and income-generating projects.
The work of Tembo Kenya is made possible by generous donations from friends and well wishers. To donate, contact donations@tembokenya.org

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